So it was Thanksgiving at the In-Laws with aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, etc. It was a crowd, to say the least and 9 of the guests were our 'Precious Little Angels', all 6 years and under. What to do with this many little ones and still have time to converse with family you haven't spoken to in months??? Well, my MANIAC sister-in-law, Jody, bless her little fingers; decided to make each child a Gingerbread House, two Gingerbread trees and two Gingerbread Men a piece....from scratch. She and our husbands cousin, Kara, assembled each one and brought them to our Feast. I have to add that I haven't seen this much candy in a VERY long time. She also brought every candy, suitable for Gingerbread Houses, so they could decorate them. The kids LOVED IT!!!! They must have sat at that table for at least an hour without a peep!!! Except the occasional, "I need more candy canes, please", "more frosting(glue), please", etc. The 'Little Angels', so polite!! I know this sounds like a TON of work for mommy, Thank God, there are premade Gingerbread Houses that are just as effective:) Sadly, I didn't even notice how good all these 'Little Angels' were at the time until friends started commenting on my Facebook pics I had posted. How thoughtless of me to let this go unnoticed. I think I was so excited about having a conversation with a 'grown up' the obvious totally escaped me!! So I will take this RARE moment in time and savour it for a very long time!!!!! I am VERY Thankful for Jody this year....thanks sweetie!!!
Here are how some turned out: