My big sister and my best friend in the whole world, RoxAnne, just started a blog that will let you follow her journey through Fertility Treatment. She is raw and honest to the core, and quit funny I must add!!! You won't want to miss a word:)
I can't tell you how excited I am to possibly be having a little niece or nephew very soon. But even more so, I am so excited for my sister to be a Mommy! She has always adored children and kids have attracted to her like moths to a flame our entire life. It always amazed me how she could say one word to a child and they loved her instantly. She will be the most amazing mom and I can't wait to see her with a little angel of her own. She had a little of a late start as she didn't meet her husband until she was 35 and they married recently, she is 39 now:) So now that she has her Soul Mate by her side, they are thrilled to start adding to their family!!!
If you would like to follow her journey, go to
Just think of all the cute stuff I get to make for her......I can't wait!!!!!!
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