I have to say that I am one of the BIG skeptics of pediatric chiropractors...until now! There is a lot of info here, but I feel a little background is important, so I will try to touch on the big ones!!! To know this little girl is to love her...not only angelic looking, but the most angelic heart I have ever known!!!
Our little girl, 3 1/2 years, has been chronically ill since about 4 months old. She is our second child and have been told by our regular ped. that she was getting ill so often because we had an older child bringing things home! Which I never understood because I am a stay at home mom and none of my children have spent a day in child care??? She was at eh doctor about every three weeks her first two years! Besides chronic respiratory problems, our little girl has had a weight problem from 2 months old. She was 6 lbs. 7 oz. at birth and by 4 months she was 18 lbs. Not a cute rolly-polly, but an odd proportion! Now at 3 1/2 years she is 40 inches and 50 lbs....a lot of it looks like water retention as she can get very bloated looking often. I have to add that she has a great diet and I think I will knock the next doctor in the face(a little harsh) that tells me I need to change her diet. And then scream at them "she is NOT obese because of her diet!!!!!!!" So after 3 years of countless visits to allergists, endocrinologists, pulmanoligists(sp?), etc. and having them shove too many needles into her little body for blood tests to want to think about we still have no answers except the 'popular' diagnosis'...asthma, obesity, lung weakness(whatever that means)! But a mother's intuition knows when something is just not right and the diagnosis' are all so bogus and not researched by ANY means!! Can you tell I am bitter:) I'm so fed up with these doctors that claim to CARE but do absolutely NO 'out of the box thinking' NOR listen to a word we say! They just want to funnel our children through their offices as fast as they can to meet their over-head!! For example, our pediatrician told us when we lost our health insurance for 4 months because my husbands family business failed last year...too bad it's time for your childs well-checkup, it will cost you $350 for the visit! This was our ped. for 5 years, from day one of our first child, second and third!???? Very disappointed in the lack of compassion or loyalty. We didn't want a handout, but maybe a little understanding from someone who was SUPPOSED to care about our childrens well being! I really hate to do this, but I feel I need to...the Pediatrician is Dr. Stephen Crow of Richardson Pediatrics in Richardson, Texas. I really liked him and had many disagreements with my husband whom never cared for him!
So through just random conversations with a few people last month we decided to try a pediatric/family chiropractor. It has only been two weeks and we are already seeing a difference. Just Monday, Abbey had a runny nose that caused her to cough all night to the point that I had to hold her in my lap in a chair to sleep so that she get at least a few hours of sleep. She had an adjustment Mon. and Tues.(part of her scheduled treatment plan) and Wednesday the yuckies were gone! Believe me this is a huge deal for us. This would have been a runny nose that would have turned into a three week respiratory ordeal for us and probably ending in croup or something else that would have us in the ER because she couldn't breath. I will take an adjustment over pumping steroids into her body four times a day to avoid a bigger respiratory problem any day. So if it sounds a little cooky to you, well it did to us even more before we experienced it for ourselves!
The diagnosis from the chiropractor is/was that she has four organs that are not functioning like they should. Probably due to a traumatic birth, she was born with wet-lungs and in NICU for her first 36 hours! Amazingly these organs are the major ones that break down sugars in her body, making it almost impossible for her to digest properly. And because this is going on in her it puts her body into a very stressful state that causes her to be in a 'fight or flight' state. Thus causing massive amounts of serotonin to be produced making it difficult still to break down food. So now that we know that she has a weak immune system because her little organs are just not functioning properly, we will continue a two month program, of decreasing visits, to the chiropractor that will get these things back in line. I have to add also that these are not 'bone popping' chiropractors, but they take an applied kinesiology approach(muscle strength) and the energy your body uses. It really is quit interesting how it all works. I am no expert on the subject so you will have do some research of our own on the subject. I am just telling Our Story for the past three years and the Cliff Notes of a mother's frustration at doctors that don't listen and the endless nights on the internet trying to find answers!!!!! I wish I would have found someone a lot sooner to lead me in this direction, but thankful we are here now!!! I will be excited to update her progress in a few weeks to let anyone know what outcomes we experience. I pray this may help someone in the same situation!! The doctor's are Rachel and Darrell Lomonaco of Lewisville, Texas...if anyone wanted to know!!! Really sweet, Godly people!